Regina bypass



End of contract (year):



61 km

The province of Saskatchewan in Canada covers an area larger than France. The regional economy is driven primarily by agriculture, forestry, mining, oil and gas. It has become essential to help road traffic flow more smoothly between these windswept industrial plains and the rest of the world. To achieve this, a bypass going around the provincial capital, Regina was needed.

The largest public private partnership initiative in the province, known as the Regina Bypass, and the 30-year concession contract was awarded to VINCI Highways through its local subsidiary in Canada.

It is the largest infrastructure project ever conducted in the province, involving several thousands of people. VINCI Highways works in close collaboration with local stakeholders to ensure the construction, funding, operation and maintenance of the 61-km long highway.

The Regina Bypass earned the 2020 National Gold Award for Infrastructure in Public-Private Partnerships organised by the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships.

Opening up new opportunities

Improving highway safety on the Regina Bypass

With the construction of a four-lane trunk road, 12 slip roads and service roads and 33 bridges and fly‑overs, the project relieves traffic congestion around the provincial capital of Saskatchewan and improves highway safety. The bypass was keenly awaited by people living in the area and local authorities alike, who have witnessed far too many accidents.

Since Phase 1 opened in 2017, we have already noticed a significant reduction in the number of collisions east of Regina

Opening new routes for the local economy

The highway has had a direct impact stimulating economic growth. The construction project involved 100 local businesses and the highway itself has an exponential impact on increasing the visibility of the region’s economy.

Challenges met

A development plan carried out under extreme conditions

VINCI Highways successfully tackled three major challenges – working through the sometimes extreme hot and cold temperatures of the Canadian plains, delivering the road project on schedule in a remote region and coordinating the consortium of companies involved in the development plan.

The synergies developed between VINCI Highways, Eurovia and VINCI Construction Terrassement and the local North American partners were decisive in the success of the project. It is a prime example of the long-term commitment made by VINCI Highways to the communities and countries it serves.

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